BLCA Fall Message

To all campers of BlCA  Fall is around the corner and I think Fall offers the best time of year to be in the woods around the campfire.  We have plenty of firewood available at reasonable prices if you need it.

This past Labor Day weekend’s entertainment appeared to be huge success and I have heard  lots of positive feedback from many of you.  What we may need to consider in the future is whether not to allow golf carts at the events, with so many people including children walking and running around  For now I will allow the carts but would ask many of you to consider walking into the rec area and use chairs.

This Fall we are planning several events for Halloween including a site decorating contest, a golf cart parade and contest for best decorated cart and a costume party on Saturday night at the beach rec hall for the kids. Please plan on attending and do your part to give the camp kids a good time. First place prize will be five hundred  three hundred second place and one hundred third place There will be food and refreshments served at the party as well as prizes for great costumes In the past this was always a good time so make the effort to participate please 

The camp this Fall will officially close on October 15th However you will have till October 31 to be completely packed up. I do not mind if you stay overnight after the fifteenth but you must be actively packing up. Keep in mind that there will be very limited services and I will frown upon any request for extension of time. 

I recently met with Glocesters Tax collector who told me that the State has dissolved the Tangible Tax on trailers. This is great news for all of you who store over the Winter “No more camper Taxes”.  Going forward many of you may consider hopefully upgrading your camper. See me if you have any questions. Unfortunately in the future to make up for the loss of revenue the Town will undoubtedly raise the camps assessment. I must inform you that Winter storage fees must be raised to four hundred dollars and the late fee to one hundred and fifty dollars. Please pay your fees on time.

Have a great time and see you around camp!

John and Carrie

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