Horseshoes at Bowdish Lake


  • A “ringer” is when the shoe encircles the stake so that you can touch the tips of the shoe with a straight edge without touching the stake. A ringer is worth 3 points.
  • A “leaner” is when the shoe is leaning against the stake in some sort of upright position, but not encircling it. Leaners are worth 2 points. Note: some people don’t count leaners, so be sure to agree on this before you start.
  • A “close shoe” is any shoe that is within a horseshoe width of the stake, measured at the tips. Close shoes are worth 1 point.
  • Scoring is usually worked out by what is called cancellation scoring. This means that if both pitchers have a ringer, they cancel each other out. Then the closest “close shoe” gets the point. If one person has two close shoes, they get two points, unless the opponent has one shoe that is closer.

Whoever scores on the pit then pitches first for the next one. If there is no score, you switch order.  Games are usually played to 21 points, and there is no need to win by 2.


horseshoes pits
horseshoes pits


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